We made an experiment to study the water’s cycle. We wanted to do an experiment on the 3 states of water: liquid, solid and gas. Firstly, we took the water and we put it in a freezer, after a couple of minutes it became ice. A little later, we took the frozen water and put it in a teapot and waited a couple of minutes, we opened the teapot and it had melted into liquid, we let it be in the teapot for a while more and it turned into steam. Lastly, we took some small metal plates and put them in contact with the steam and we observed how once the steam got in contact with the cold metal, the steam cooled down and it once again became liquid water. Once again the water cycle began!
3rd Grade

Sortides esportives de gener.

  El dijous 27 de gener, els nens i les nenes de les classes de 3r, vam concloure la unitat didàctica de Judo treballada assistint al CEM ...